Lesson 6 of 25
In Progress

Lavender For Dogs

Kara Edstrom February 17, 2021

We’re in love with Lavender. It is the Swiss Army knife of all oils, the most versatile oil there is! This is the oil you definitely want to have on a deserted island.

But Lavender is one of the most adulterated essential oils on the market. Be careful when using other brands of lavender, as 95% of what is on the shelves in the U.S. is junk!


Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) has a sweet, floral aroma that most of us are familiar with. But did you know that most lavender-scented products commercially available are synthetic and therefore do not yield the same properties? Many times when people first smell Young Living’s Lavender, it’s not a familiar smell. That is because most people are used to chemical lavender.

Lavender is known to soothe and support the skin. It is a gentle and relaxing oil.

How To Use Lavender

Young Living’s Lavender oil can be used to help promote the healing of injuries. When combined with peppermint oil, the process is said to be even quicker. It has an aroma that bugs hate, therefore they might stay away.

Does your dog need to calm down? Try petting your dog with Lavender!

  • Apply on ailments on the skin
  • Apply on cheek bones for eye gunk/tear ducts
  • Apply & diffuse for seasonal crud, sniffles, itchy skin, etc.
  • Does your dog have goopy eyes? Put Lavender on your hand and then cup it over the eyes of the dog 2-3x a day.
  • Make a salve with coconut oil for wounds, and a spray using water to use to soothe your dog.
  • Diffuse and apply for times of rest, relaxation and to calm dog or pet as needed! (Thunderstorms and car rides are ideal times.)
  • Combine 1 cup baking soda and 5 drops of Lavender. Let it sit overnight. Place in a shaker container with a lid and lightly sprinkle onto the dog’s fur (not the face) between baths. Lavender’s fresh, calming scent masks odors until bath time!
  • A massage behind the ears? Amazing! What dog would not love this, especially to help unwind before bedtime.
  • Take along on hikes.
  • Spritz on beds for sleepy time.