My Experience With The Cleansing Trio

How I did I get started?
I saw the Cleansing Challenge come across my Facebook feed. I knew it was for me. I was really struggling with my weight and tight jeans and just not liking myself. I was refusing to buy new clothes. The funny part of this is that I had already purchased a cleansing trio kit about a year ago, that I placed under my bathroom sink. I did not really know how to use it and I did not want to waste it by using it wrong. So, I made up my mind I was going all in. I asked my husband to join me, and he refused so I knew that it was going to be a little more challenging just because I was going to be making meals that was more for my benefit. Another reason I jumped at this opportunity is that I would have accountability and support by having team members struggling in the many areas I was struggling with.
I started my journey out by planning my menu and grocery shopping with my husband. I used the menus from the document the Brenda sent out. I picked up a lot of vegetables on this trip and my husband looked at me and said, “Are you going to eat that?” Let us just say I do not eat vegetables and my husband knew that. I grew up in a Mama and Pop store where I had all the penny candy and junk food I could want. I was determined that I was going to try these veggies even if it killed me.
Sunday Afternoon on April 25th I had my daughter Sawere take my before pictures. This was a giant leap just doing this. I borrowed my older daughter Kendyl’s sports bar for the picture. I had a terrible time zipping it shut. She had to dress me. So, lots of laughs going on. I went as far as taking body measurements. I am one of those people that I need to see results. I was determined this is for me.
Three days into the challenge my husband noticed I was sleeping better. I started sleeping through the night. I cannot tell you the last time I had done that. I was one of those people getting up anywhere from 2-3 times a night. I had back pain and I was restless. I would go to my chair or the couch. Brad did not know where he would find me in the mornings. Brad was impressed with the improvement of my sleeping pattern.
The sixth day Saturday May 1st I woke up around 6 am. I started cleaning my house and never finished until 9pm that night. I had so much energy that I felt like I was the energizer bunny. Saturdays are the days I do clean my house, but this time was different. I did not set down in between cleaning bathrooms or mopping the floors. Or even taking a nap in the middle of the afternoon. I just kept going. I was so proud of all that got accomplished that day.
Before starting this challenge, I had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Two back surgeries and a full hysterectomy by the age of 40. This is my health background. I was told Fibromyalgia can cause brain fog. Well let’s just say this is more than true. There were days, I wondered around wondering what I was doing. I was thinking to myself could I have grandma’s awful disease. I have seen my brain come to life again be doing this cleanse. The changes in my brain and the energy levels along with pain levels that have dropped significantly that I have experienced in this challenge has been worth it all. Truly grateful for all of you.
Was this Cleanse easier or hard for me?
I would have to say I had good, bad, and ugly days in this challenge.
I struggled with not eating sweets. After a meal I always had something sweet to eat. If we were at a buffet, I had the dessert bar first. Friday April 30th. I was really having a Ugly day. While scrolling through Face book, I would see these pictures of food. I would think oh that looks good. Then I started smelling food. My flesh kept telling me it would taste good, I needed it. I literally had to carry my water in my hand all day to drown out this craze with water.
My bad was finding out how to prepare my vegetables seemed challenging to me. I streamed, broiled, fried, raw and grilled. Grilling turned out to be my favorite way to eat them. I made up a stir fry of vegetables. My family liked them this way to, so a win win. We would have vegetables this way at least 3 nights a week.
Another bad I faced was I developed a itch on my belly and above my right eye that was driving me crazy. There was no rash just the itch. I post in the group chat and Brenda came back with try skin brushing. So, over the weekend I picked up a brush at Walmart for $3.00 and started brushing morning and night. WOW what a difference that made for me.
Good days I seen myself losing weight. I could really see the lose in my pant legs, I had loose material on my thighs. My brain fog was going away. Pain levels decreasing. I have energy of a 20-year-old. I started walking with my daughters, I have not done that for 3 years. My legs hurt and I had no energy. I have enjoyed the activities with my family.
Were there days I did not follow the clean eating absolutely. Mother’s Day I made Apple crisp I had a ½ cup, but with out the ice cream. Another time I made caramel corn as a snack for my girl’s trap team I picked at it every time I stirred it and even ate a snack baggie of it.
I learned a lot about my poop. I have been sharing my story and pictures of before and after which is a big step of courage for me.
I had cleansing trio kit to start, but I ordered my second. I seemed to go through the Essentialzyme and Comfortone quickly. I was using 8 comfortone in the morning and 8 in the evening until I got the poop rolling. 2 Essentialzyme with every meal I had. I even took 2 at bedtime to help with inflammation.
Here is a list of positives that came along with this cleanse.
1. I lost weight. I was 235.4 and now I am down 220.4 losing 15lbs.
2. I lost inches.
a. Belly 44 – now 42
b. Hips 51 – now 49
c. Legs 38- now 34 ½ – I could really see this in my pant legs.
d. Arms 15 ½ – now 15
3. Hair- My hair grew fast. The before and after pictures will show this growth.
4. My face is thinner.
5. I have stronger healthier nails- I was brittle before.
6. Brain Fog- I now have a Brain Power and focus.
7. Better sleeping pattern. Husband approved.
8. I created new habits that our health. Eating more vegetables and enjoying them.
9. I learned that sugar does not like me. – I ate a freshly made whoopie pie. Afterwards I was sick feeling. My gut hurt. I learned a lesson.
10. I am worth it!
Body System Quiz
I took the body quiz on Monday April 26th. I scored a 12 in muscular / skeletal and a 11 in nervous. These scores fit me.
Second time taking this quiz was on Monday May 31st. I scored a 4 in muscular / skeletal and a 3 in nervous. I attached pictures of before and after quizzes. I started adding the following supplements into my daily routine. I selected the supplements from my highest two body systems.
The supplements are
Super Cal Plus
Super B
I was already using sulfurzme powder in my water daily.
I have been excited with the progress I have made over the 30 days. I have been bolder in sharing the before and after pictures and talking poop with anyone who will listen. I tell them If I can do this so can you. My family has seen the progress I have made and now then are coming on board with me to eat healthier and we are learning to exercise more. Thank you, Brenda and the rest of the team, for your love and compassion in making me feel comfortable in this group and giving encouragement though out this challenge. Blessing to All.
I just wanted to let you know On May 30th I was able to zip this sports bar myself! Oh yeah!