My Experience With The Cleansing Trio

I will be turning 40 early next year and I am dreading this. After having 2 C sections I hate the way my stomach looks and no matter what I have tried it will not change. I have accepted this as being a mother.
The last few months I have gained some weight so I have been looking for a way to loose it. Also I want to feel better. I don’t want to feel blah and be so tired all the time. This brought me to when Brenda posted about the cleanse. I knew I needed to do this. I was nervous because I have never been involved in something like this nor did I think I could stick to something like this.
I had told my husband about it and as I am sure most of you do I said it many times to him. I never asked for him to do it. Although we bought the cleansing trio kits 6 months before and never thought about using them. Finally I made up my mind I committed and this is one of thing I am proud of I stuck to it faithfully. The best part is my husband was willing to join me in the journey together. After all he is my biggest fan. Lol
It was hard at first -I knew I could get the water in but with many activities, sports and events I was worried I would verve off. I found that many things we already do also just had to change a few things here and there . After taking the “before” picture and really looked at it -I had thought there was no way I was showing people this. I look awful and was shocked that this was me. So a few days later I took another picture just incase I couldn’t bring myself to showing anyone this picture.
My bowel movements have always been loose and my husband laughs at me because I go so quick asks me if I just had a zipper I undone to get it out . I am proud to say I feel like they are now much better and healthy. I haven’t had any black stools yet but I plan to continue until I do except maybe this week-as I am writing this we are on our way to SD for vacation.
The quiz(which I forgot at home) has changed some. My top one I scored most on was lymphatic system and immune system -taking the quiz after I was able to see that my numbers went down by 2-3 points. The energy I feel I have now is a high for me. I enjoy being able to have energy after work and after dinner.
I am very grateful for Brenda that she put this together and to all of you that joined also. It was fun seeing everyone food and experiences and hearing I am not the only one experiencing this. So I am proud to say that the picture I didn’t want to post-I DID!!! The after picture blew me away. I wish o would have getting more angles but now I know for next time. I am down about 15 pounds. And for those wondering my husband stuck it out with me and also lost 27 pounds. I definitely think this is a change that will stay around for awhile with cleaner eating!!! The first picture was taken in April 25 and the 2nd was May 30th.