My Experience With The Cleansing Trio

Thank you Brenda and all in the group.
I am so thankful that I decided to join the cleansing trio challenge. At first I did not know if I could do it, as I had tried to do the cleanse twice before on my own, but only lasted about a week. But this time it was different. By journaling my experiences I could see how I was feeling day by day and enjoyed watching my weight go down 12 lbs. Mostly I had more energy, am happier, with less mucus. Reading the posts of others in the challenge gave me confidence to keep going. And I really enjoyed the food suggestion. Digize on my tummy helped when I was getting rid of all the junk inside of me. I did not like the ICP. I just gulped it down followed by a big glass of water. Next time I do the cleanse I am going to try the ICP daily. I am going to continue to eat clean.
I wish you all health and happiness.
Thank you and take care.