Lesson 3 of 9
In Progress

Growth and Fixed Mindset

Tara Carlson January 18, 2021

What is the difference? 

Growth Mindset:

Growth mindset definition:

“A growth mindset is when someone understand that their abilities can be developed,”
(Dweck, 2014).

A person with a growth mindset finds freedom in their thoughts and beliefs. They understand that certain people have special talents and that intelligence varies from person to person, but it’s also something that can be developed and increased with effort and hard work.

They take joy in the learning process that comes from seeking new information, forming new strategies, and taking inspiration from others. They embrace difficulties and challenges as a means to develop new skills and grow.

Fixed mindset:

Fixed mindset definition:

A fixed mindset, proposed by Stanford professor Carol Dweck in her book Mindset, describes people who see their qualities as fixed traits that cannot change. With a fixed mindset, talent is enough to lead to success and effort to improve these talents isn’t required: one is born with a certain amount of skill and intelligence that can’t be improved upon. 

A person with a fixed mindset is constrained by their beliefs and thoughts. They believe people are born with special talents and every person has different abilities and intelligence that cannot get better with time, persistence and effort.

They think of failures as a validation of their lack of intelligence and their limited abilities that prevents them from achieving their goals. They give up easily with the fear of failure and a belief that they cannot improve.




Think about where your mindset is at.  How did you fare on the quiz?

Did you know you were NOT born this way? You can change it!!! 

It just takes a lot of FOCUS and work on your part. Do you want to grow?

If you answered yes….continue to the next lesson and lets get started!