Do we all wish for spotless homes? Absolutely! Is a weekly deep clean going to be possible? Almost never! Enter: the gorgeous, appealing, “my house is spotless” scents of essentials oils. When your schedule gets too hectic to deal with the tornado that went off in the house, add these oils to your diffuser, along with a quick pick up and wipe down, and nobody will know the difference!

Squeaky Clean diffuser blend

The quickest way to trick guests, family members, and yourself into believing you just put your Thieves® Household Cleaner away under the sink is to diffuse the smell of ultimate clean itself! When warm and welcoming Thieves® is combined with Citrus Fresh™ and a bit more Cinnamon Bark for good measure, friends will wonder how you have the time to keep things tidy.

4 drops Thieves 3 drops Citrus Fresh 1 drop Cinnamon Bark

Sea Air diffuser blend

If tackling those dirty dishes and cluttered countertops for the hundredth time in the day makes you tense up, take up some visualization practices! We recommend picturing yourself in a super clean, ultra-relaxing beach cottage with nothing but the ocean breeze for company. To help your imagination run wild, diffuse restorative Eucalyptus Globulus with the garden aromas of Peppermint and Rosemary.

3 drops Eucalyptus Globulus 3 drops Peppermint 3 drops Rosemary

Pine Fresh diffuser blend

Your furniture may not be glistening, but no one will notice with the brisk notes of Pine and sparkling Lemon wafting through your halls. When this combo is diffused in each part of the house, you might as well get “I love to clean!” stenciled onto pillows and walls with how polished and scrubbed-down your space will smell.

4 drops Pine 4 drops Lemon

Refresh the Room diffuser blend

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been guilty of shoving clothes under the bed or tossing toys haphazardly into the closet. It’s okay—we’ve totally resorted to this behavior too when the in-laws call to say they’ll be there in five minutes. With a blend of sharp Purification® and Eucalyptus Radiata and happy Tangerine, they’ll be none the wiser.

3 drops Purification 3 drops Tangerine 3 drops Eucalyptus Radiata

Orange Glow diffuser blend

We believe in life, liberty, and complementary cleaning services. Bummer that’s not always the case! When carpool and traveling for work and junior basketball practice leaves little time for vacuuming and dusting, rely on the bright aromas of Orange, Lime, and Citronella, mixed with the fresh-cut flowers scent of Joy™.

3 drops Orange 2 drops Lime 2 drops Joy 1 drop Citronella

Clothes on the Line diffuser blend

When opening the windows isn’t enough to rid your home of pizza box, sleepover smell, recreate the comforting scent of hanging sheets outside with these four oils. You can also add refreshing Tea Tree, sunshiny Lemongrass and Grapefruit, and cozy Cedarwood to cotton balls and hide them in drawers so this scent permeates every room!

2 drops Tea Tree 2 drops Lemongrass 2 drops Cedarwood 2 drops Grapefruit

Sweet Sleep diffuser blend

Don’t let tomorrow’s to-do list haunt your dreams! When you’re tossing and turning, picturing the destroyed living room and mountain of laundry that awaits you, add fresh Lavender, sweet Spearmint, fanciful Tangerine, and idyllic Ylang Ylang to your diffuser. With these scents, you’ll be dreaming of your own fairy godmother who can swish away the mess in no time!

3 drops Lavender 2 drops Spearmint 2 drops Tangerine 1 drop Ylang Ylang

When you’re ready to say, “Alright, dirty house. No more faking—let’s get down to business!” make sure to use all-natural cleaning products tips and Thieves Household Cleaner® tricks.