Happy International Essential Oils Day! Celebrate With Us In 13 Ways

Happy International Essential Oil Day! With a 25-year legacy, hundreds of essential oil-infused products, and botanical farms spanning the globe, we’re more than ready to celebrate essential oils. Let’s honor our love for life-changing essential oils today and every day!
1. Get to know our farms. From Taiwan to Cape Town, we’ve got farms all over the world that ensure our Seed to Seal® quality commitment, helping us deliver powerful, potent products to your front door.
2. Brush up on essential oil basics. Between knowing where they come from and how they can change your life, you’ll get a highly concentrated (pun intended) crash course!
3. Bask in the beautiful outdoors. Watch a sunset, head into the mountains, and remind yourself of how much botanically derived essentials oils have changed your life.
4. Remember Young Living Founder D. Gary Young. As the pioneer of the modern-day essential oils movement, he is to thank for our must-have bottles of EO.
5. Diffuse away! Fill your senses with something summery, escape to an exotic locale, or soak up vitamin sea with your essential oil partner in crime.
6. Step up your self-care. Read a book, pamper yourself, get in a great workout, or take a pause from social media for a touch of total mind and body wellness.
7. Answer all your essential oil questions. We know that questions about Young Living oils come up in every conversation, so equip yourself and become everyone’s essential oil guru.
8. Practice aromatherapy. Scents are powerful! Harness that power from each bottle of essential oil and find your mood and day instantly transformed.
9. Celebrate life! With a love for essential oils comes a greater appreciation for the everyday. Call, text, or visit the most important people in your life.
10. Become a beauty buff. Set aside some time to make a DIY clarifying clay mask or luxurious bath salts and get ready for some major relaxation.
11. Clean your diffuser. It’s hard to get the most out of your powerhouse essential oils with diffuser buildup and gunk getting in the way.
12. Care for the earth. Go green with Young Living by planting a tree, picking up trash, and ditching single-use plastic. Little habits make a big difference when it comes to caring for Mother Nature.
13. Pay it forward. With so much health, wellness, and abundance in our lives, it only makes sense to go out and spread that goodness to the world today!
Ready to join the celebration of all things essential oils? Become a member today and learn why essential oils really work.