7 Ways Blue Cypress Essential Oil Will Change Your EO Collection

If essential oils were personality types, Lemon would be the sassy best friend, Stress Away™ the unruffled therapist, and Thieves® the herbalist down the street armed with cough drops and cleaning aids. Once you take a breath of Blue Cypress, it won’t take long to figure out its role in your EO collection. Blue Cypress essential oil, with it’s sweet, fruity, and outdoorsy aroma, would be the ever-ready neighbor with a hammer and wood when your fence breaks and a carton of eggs when you have a baking crisis.
Here are some other reasons that Blue Cypress should be the next oil you add to your collection.
1. Chipper evergreen
The blue cypress tree—Callitris intratropica—has a fresh scent similar to other evergreens you love but with a touch of lemony sweetness. Fresh fact about the blue cypress tree and maybe why it has such a crisp scent: the trees can live as long as 200 years!
2. Australian darling
Always wanted a neighbor from the land down under? Well, now’s your chance! One of Young Living’s Australian oils, our trusty Blue Cypress comes from the Outback Botanical Reserve and Distillery in Darwin, Australia. It’s also featured in Australian Blue and Australian Kuranya essential oil blends.
3. Top-notch collaborator
This oil, as the dutiful neighbor, collaborates well with many of our Young Living faves and makes an appearance in some of our popular essential oil blends, including:
4. Protective pal
Blue Cypress essential oil adds more than just a zing of sweet piney aroma to your moisturizer—its constituents promote the appearance of healthy-looking skin!
Add it to your daily skin care routine along with Frankincense or Helichrysum.
Enjoy the added moisture it brings during cold or dry weather.
Put a drop or two in shaving cream or soap to help soothe skin while shaving.
5. Diffuser blend all-star
Sweet and woody at the same time, Blue Cypress is a grounding addition to any diffuser blend. Whether it takes center stage or becomes part of the backdrop, this essential oil brings something special into any blend.
It smells great with spicy oils like Black Pepper and with other woodsy oils such as Cedarwood, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood™, and Cypress.
6. Soothing massage companion
After a long day in the office or bustling around town, take the time to relax all those tired muscles with Blue Cypress essential oil.
Create a DIY massage oil with a dab of V-6™ and several drops of Blue Cypress.
Add some piney gusto to Ortho Ease® Massage Oil by including Blue Cypress.
YL Tip: Did you know that Blue Cypress essential oil is one of the ingredients in the Cool Azul™ essential oil blend, alongside such prominent friends as Peppermint, Oregano, and Dorado Azul? If your muscles need some extra TLC, reach for Cool Azul™ Sports Gel.
7. Cleaning assistant
Cleaning never ends, and that’s why it’s important to switch it up! Blue Cypress essential oil is ready to step in by adding a fresh, invigorating scent to your DIY cleaners. Add it to all your Thieves® Household Cleaner creations to bring a little something extra to your weekend chores.
Looking for other woodsy essential oils to incorporate? Check out 10 ways to use Northern Lights Black Spruce and more than five ways to use Cedarwood.