5 Stages Of Running Out Of Your Favorite Essential Oil

Running out of your favorite essential oil is legit the worst. What will you use to banish bad odors? What will inspire you to stay hydrated or boost your mood or fix your hair?
Whether your favorite oil is Rose or Rosemary, Lemon or Lemongrass, hitting rock bottom—or bottle—is no joke. Fortunately, you’re not alone; we’ve all experienced finishing the last drops of a beloved oil. Here’s how to work your way through running out of your favorite essential oil.
We promise you’ll pull through.
Stage 1: When you play pretend
You know the signs. You ignore how light the bottle feels and hold it up, positive you see a few more drops. You remove the dropper, certain it will help the oil flow. You shake the bottle for what feels like an eternity to get the last of those droplets in your diffuser.
How do you face this first stage? Have a little hope—Hope™ essential oil blend, that is. Keep this blend handy, and you’ll have the strength to hold onto the hope that you’ll find one more drop of your beloved oil before your new bottle gets here.
Stage 2: When you revisit the terrible twos
You’re usually pretty good at staying Zen, thanks to the grounding aroma of Frankincense. But facing the loss of your favorite essential oil has curtailed your calm and triggered tantrums that would make any toddler proud.
Frustration is normal—be kind to yourself! Try a little Forgiveness™ essential oil blend. Its aroma goes a long way when letting go of negative emotions.
Stage 3: When you begin bartering
You’ve reached the stage where you’re faced with some tough decisions. Do you use the last two drops of Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood™ in your diffuser or do you add them to your skin care routine? You’re choosing between creating a spa-like atmosphere and a radiant complexion—the struggle is real.
If bargaining baffles you, take heart! Your replacement bottle is on its way. In the meantime, diffuse a few drops of Valor® for added courage when making those tough decisions.
Stage 4: When you’re frantic for your fave
The adrenaline from the mental wheeling and dealing is gone, and in its place is an ache that only your favorite essential oil can heal. Replacements don’t cut it anymore—Cypress and Pine are just not the same!
Ease your loss with some PanAway®. Add a few drop of this popular essential oil blend to some V-6™ and massage an aching neck or back. Its comforting warmth soothes the body, while its stimulating aroma soothes the feels.
Stage 5: When you finally accept your fate
It’s time to accept that the bottle is empty—as is your soul—without your favorite essential oils. Fortunately, you have a long list of ideas for reusing that empty bottle and 5 ml of Acceptance™ essential oil blend to help you accept reality until your replacement bottle hits your doorstep.
No matter the stage, you’re in good company. We’ve all had to work our way through running out of our favorite essential oil. If we’ve learned one thing from our experience, it’s to always keep an extra bottle or two of your favorite oil on hand—and restock as soon as you crack the lid on your last one!
Experiencing these five stages shows you’re deeply devoted to your favorite essential oil, but if you need additional proof, here are 21 signs you might be obsessed. Still debating what to do with those last few drops? Check out these 10 legit uses for essential oils (that sound fake).