My Experience With The Cleansing Trio

My Experience with the Cleansing Trio Challenge.
I participated in the Cleansing Challenge because I have been having challenges with my digestion being very sluggish and slow for ten years or more and was looking for improved digestion. I scored 12 on the Do You Need to Cleanse Quiz. The Body Systems Quiz brought to my awareness the areas I would most benefit by focusing are Digestive 8, Endocrine 7, Immune, Integumentary, Lymphatic, Nervous and Respiratory 4.
RCD Cherie Ross says Young Living supplements work themselves out of a job by teaching your body how to function properly again.
I had done extensive cleansing in 2020 completing 110 days of the Master Cleanse in a support group with Tom Woloshyn. I was amazed with the results I got doing the Master Cleanse, also called the Lemonade Diet (simply fresh squeezed Lemon Juice, dark Maple Syrup, Cayenne Pepper and water, and herbal laxative), plus other adjuncts like Vitaflex, Color Therapy, YL essential Oils and affirmations. My starting weight 4/5/2020 was 151.8. My lowest weight was on 5/29/2020 was 129.8, down by 22 lbs at 39 active days on the Cleanse. I also experienced much improved energy, clarity of mind and a flatter tummy than I’ve had in years!
For the remainder of my Master Cleansing, my weight was regularly around 135 lbs. Tom says, “You will not loose any more weight than the waste you have to loose, while on the Cleanse”. Upon returning to Clean Eating my weight was around 143 – 145 lbs.
Other challenges I have had in the past 10 plus years is being very acidic, poor circulation in my legs, frequent stress & overwhelm and not getting enough sleep.
With the Cleansing Trio Challenge, I was looking forward to experiencing improved digestive function while Clean Eating. In the past few years I typically have 1 BM daily in the morning. I understand a person should have a BM at least 3 times a day, shortly after you eat. I don’t think I have ever experienced that frequently.
I have been using Essentialzymes regularly for several years and have used Comfortone and ICP on and off for several years and was looking forward to getting the real “MOVING Experience” I had heard it could provide.
My weight was really pretty stable from beginning to the end, from 4/27/21 to 5/31/21 it remained around 145 lbs. I took Essentialzymes 3 times daily throughout the Cleanse; I added in Comfortone at the beginning 3 capsules twice a day morning and bedtime and had 1 – 3 BM’s daily then upped it to 5 twice a day for 10 days and still 1 – 3 BM’s daily. I also added in Detoxzyme at bedtime, and Alkalime most nights as well as 3 caps of Multigreens twice daily. I used DiGize, Copaiba and Peppermint topically and Lemon and Peppermint internally. Throughout the Cleanse I did most often have one really productive BM every morning and hit and miss if another BM or two later in the day. Checking my saliva and urine pH upon waking daily it remained very acidic. I believe I have room for improvement with taking time to get a better handle on the recommended foods to include and avoid as well and incorporating suggested recipes.
I know that the essential oils work more effectively when a person’s body is in an alkaline state.
RCD Marcella Vonn Harting says when people aren’t getting results from taking supplements it is because they are not taking enough supplements or taking them long enough.
I have not yet given up my quest for getting my digestion re-trained and still working to get my pH in a more alkaline state and improved circulation to my legs. I do believe I need to give more attention to getting enough rest and relaxation for myself daily and to be mindful and focus on being in the present moment to reduce the overwhelm.
By doing the Cleansing Trio Challenge with Brenda, it was helpful to take the quizzes to be reminded of the importance of getting to bed earlier. Brenda also suggested I do the Free testing for the subconscious mind at which I intend to do soon.
Brenda also encouraged me that AFT would be helpful for me, which I agree and will do.