As the new year approaches, most of us make resolutions to live better. For many, that usually includes eating better, exercising, and adopting other healthy habits. Here are a few tips to help in your quest for wellness:


1. Improve Your Intake
  • H2Whoa!: Simply increasing your water intake will help detoxify your body and motivate you to be more conscientious of what else you’re ingesting. Try adding tasty essential oils to your water make it more interesting. Lemon, Lime, and Tangerine are all favorites, but don’t forget Grapefruit, Lavender, and Peppermint! In fact, try making your own Grapefruit-Mint Spritzer to enjoy a great blend of flavors that may make sweets and sugary drinks a little less appealing.
  • Supplements: If NingXia Red® and Core Supplements aren’t already part of your daily regimen, try adding them in the coming year to add an infusion of nutrients and essential oils to your day.


2. Sneak In Some Exercise
  • Take the long way: We keep hearing it because it keeps working! Walk the long way to the bathroom, park farther out in the lot, or take the “bumblebee” approach to your grocery list. A few more steps each day go a long way in the end.
  • Flex: In line at the store, on the couch watching TV, during your shower, or any other time you’re otherwise sedentary, flex your abs for 10 seconds at a time and repeat at least 10 times to tone and strengthen your core.
  • Ditch your desk: Forget the phone or email and walk to your coworkers’ desks to talk, have walking meetings, pace while you’re on the phone, stretch regularly at your desk, and take a short walk for your breaks. It’s easy to get your 30 minutes of exercise each day when you break it into 10-minute increments.


3. Review and Revise
  • Meditate: Take time each day for quiet reflection and meditation on your goals. Just a few minutes to nurture your soul each day will help give you a greater sense of purpose and well-being.
  • Track it: The simple act of observing something creates observable changes. So keep track of your food and water intake, your exercise, your meditation, and any other goals you have—you’re bound to improve on them!
  • ALL results motivate change: Even if the scale goes up or you miss your workout, recognizing mistakes and their consequences will help keep you motivated to improve. Likewise, your positive results will help you keep up the great work.