Welcome to KidScents

Do you often ask yourself “Does it work?” and “Is it safe?” when you are looking into products for your children? Time to eliminate those feelings of worry and helplessness and replace them with confidence and empowerment as we learn about some amazing products for your kiddos!


In this course, you will learn about the Young Living KidScents Collection, along with ways you can start incorporating these oils into your daily life to set your kids up for success and give their growing bodies exactly what they need to thrive. Our children are not just little adults. Their bodies are continually growing, developing, and changing, and they are more vulnerable to the negative effects of harmful chemicals in their environment.


According to a research article from Health Affairs, there are four main differences that contribute to a child’s heightened susceptibility to chemical exposure:
  1. Children have greater exposure to toxic chemicals for their body weight than adults.
  2. Children’s metabolic pathways are immature, and a child’s ability to metabolize toxic chemicals is different from an adult’s.
  3. Children’s early developmental processes are easily disrupted.
  4. Children have more time than adults to develop chronic diseases.
Research published on healthaffairs.org talks about children's vulnerability to toxic chemicals. It states, "A key policy breakthrough occurred nearly twenty years ago with the discovery that children are far more sensitive than adults to toxic chemicals in the environment. This finding led to the recognition that chemical exposures early in life are significant and preventable causes of disease in children and adults." This is why it is important to examine your home and take a closer look at the everyday household and personal care products you are using on yourself and your children.

Share your experience!

Whether you've celebrated a personal health victory, experienced a transformative mindset shift, had an "aha" moment, introduced a favorite product to someone, led your first class, received your first paycheck, found the confidence to impact someone's health, or made the leap from side-hustler to full-time — we're eager to celebrate all your achievements, both big and small!

Always cheering for you,
Brenda & Team

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