Soothe Stomaches With TummyGize


TummyGize  is an essential oil blend perfect for little tummies that aren’t feeling so well. It contains seven oils that are specifically formulated and blended to soothe and relax.
  • Spearmint - gentler than peppermint and enhances relaxation 
  • Peppermint - supportive and soothing 
  • Tangerine - rich in limonene, a chemical found in the peels of citrus fruits and in other plants, that has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-stress properties
  • Fennel - used as a digestive aid for thousands of years and mentioned in one of the oldest known medical records, the Ebers Papyrus 
  • Ginger - soothes, comforts, and balances 
  • Cardamom - protects the stomach 
  • Anise - a key ingredient in the Essentialzymes supplement 
Are you seeing a connection here?  Little tummies will love this blend! 


Add an AromaGlide™ roller fitment to the top for easy roll-on application. If you don't have a roller top that's ok! Just add a drop onto the belly button and rub around. Apply in a clockwise motion to follow the normal digestion pattern every 30 minutes for an hour and as needed thereafter. 


No tummy is perfect without a probiotic! The KidScents MightyPro pairs perfectly with TummyGize for added digestive support. It contains both pre- and probiotics. Prebiotics and probiotics help support digestion, the immune system, and emotional balance. They do this by stimulating and replenishing “good bacteria” through the live cultures. MightyPro has 8 billion active, live cultures. You can sprinkle it on cold food and drinks for easy consumption. It also tastes great on its own . . . think healthy Pixie Stick. Your kids will love it! MightyPro comes in individual packets that do not need to be refrigerated, so your kids can even eat it like candy.

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Brenda & Team

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