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Finding Joy & Fighting Fear With Essential Oils
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The Happy Protocol
Finding Joy: Peace & Calming
Finding Joy: Awaken
Finding Joy: Magnify Your Purpose
Finding Joy with Citrus
Finding Joy: Abundance
Dealing With Sadness: Joy
Dealing With Sadness: 3 Wise Men
Dealing With Sadness: Transformation
Dealing With Sadness: Christmas Spirit
Dealing With Sadness: Valor
Dealing With Grief: Hope
Dealing With Grief: White Angelica
Fighting Fear and Anger
Everyday Use: Motivation
Everyday Use: Surrender
Everyday Use: Gathering
Everyday Use: Trauma Life
Everyday Use: Grounding
Everyday Use: Acceptance
Everyday Use: Sara
Participants 1246
The spirit of the season can help uplift your thoughts and emotions with memories of happy times.
Christmas Spirit
This blend may help encourage a positive outlook on life, bringing peace and happiness. Its delightful fragrance is wonderful for creating feelings of security and is often associated with Christmas time.
Oils in this blend: Orange, cinnamon bark, spruce.
How to Use Christmas Spirit
- Apply to the crown of your head, or wear as a perfume or cologne.
- Diffuse or sprinkle on logs in the fireplace, on Christmas trees, on cedar chips for dresser drawers, or on pine cones or potpourri for use all year round.