This oil blend is a great combination to counter the down-and-out feeling.

3 Wise Men

This is used to open the crown energy to allow the emotions to go out and be released. After releasing, the good energy can come back in. Gary D. Young named it this because he wanted a blend that was a gift to open energy, and Frankincense and Myrrh were gifts brought to Jesus.

This blend enhances emotional equilibrium and soothes and uplifts the heart.

Oils used in this blend: Sandalwood, Juniper, Frankincense, Spruce, Myrrh.

How to UseĀ 3 Wise Men

  • Diffuse, inhale directly or apply topically.
  • Apply when you feel down and out. This is a great companion to Hope oil.
  • If you are seeking and praying for clarity, use this oil.
  • Put it on your head. The scalp might feel like it is opening. The oxygen is creating this feeling.