Beyond Planting Trees: 15 Simple Lifestyle Tweaks with Big Environmental Impacts

Earth Day is here! At Young Living, we’re constantly finding new ways to be even better environmental stewards, from innovating and enforcing environmentally friendly farming practices to offering efficient recycling programs at our offices and facilities.
Protecting the planet that gives us so much is a job that will take a continual collaborative effort. We promise to keep doing our part and encourage you to join in. Here are 15 simple lifestyle tweaks that can go a long way to help protect the earth.

Helpful Resources
- Plant Native Trees and Plants: National Invasive Species Information Center | The National Wildlife Federation: Invasive Species | Native Plant Finder
- Gardening: How to Start an Organic Garden | Video: How to Start a Garden | Apartment Gardening
- Recycling: Recycling Center Lookup for Cell Phones, Laptops, etc. | Local Recycling Information
- Shower Water and Energy Conservation: Shower Power Tips
- Reduce food waste: Garden Compost | Food Storage
- Fix leaky faucets and shower heads: How to Fix a Leaky Faucet | How to Fix a Leaking Shower Head
What tips did we miss?
Share your tried-and-true tips for going green with us in the comments below.
The post Beyond Planting Trees: 15 Simple Lifestyle Tweaks with Big Environmental Impacts appeared first on Young Living Blog.