Frankincense and Lavender are both fantastic oils for emotional support.
If you feel a lot of anger, try applying Valor, Harmony, and Release. Other Young Living blends may be good for fear and anger, as well, including the following:

Tranquil essential oil was designed to calm and relax the body and mind. The oils in this blend are excellent for calming nerves and emotions at the end of a long day or anytime you’re feeling burdened, making it an ideal choice at bedtime.
When the body is relaxed, blood can make its way easier to the brain, which helps us to visualize our goals and dreams more effectively. This blend helps to balance the body both physically and emotionally.
Single oils in this blend: Lavender, Cedarwood, Roman Chamomile.
Application: Apply liberally to temples, back of the neck, or on wrists.
Tidbit: Apply Lavender to your feet at bedtime to enhance the effects of Tranquil.

Highest Potential
This unique blend helps to balance emotions by promoting feelings of stability and peace, which helps you reach your highest potential.
Highest Potential contains oils found throughout Scripture, including Frankincense, Galbanum, Cedarwood, and Sandalwood.
This oil will help you build confidence, release limiting beliefs and focus on your potential, not your imperfections. It may also help to reenergize the entire body.
Other oils in this blend: Australian Blue, Gathering, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang.
Application: Wear over your heart, and on forehead and temples and/or diffuse.
Tidbit: Magnify Your Purpose and Live with Passion oil blends are great companion oils to Highest Potential.